Venice, Italy (2015) - As a former photojournalist, I often take photos very quickly, and I take a lot of them.  When traveling, this can add up to hundreds of daily images. So if I’m not going through the shots at the end of each day, I can forget some images.

This particular image is one of the forgotten-and-now-found. I happened to be going through some old files, and boom, there it was: a gem in hiding. I clearly remember the moment I took it: I was walking around Venice sightseeing with my lovely bride, when I turned the corner and saw this couple ahead of me. At the time, they were walking in the shadows, but I could see what might happen if they walked through the sliver of light. Instinctively, I raised my camera and fired off three shots as they entered the light. The first one captured the moment. I like this particular image because it reflects my experience at the time, just walking through Venice and enjoying the day with my best friend.

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