Raton Pass, New Mexico (2017) - I seem to take a lot of photos when I’m on-location for feature films or network TV shows. I shot this image after I wrapped a Lifetime movie that was shooting in New Mexico. I happened to have I pulled off along the border of New Mexico and saw the skies. Absolutely stunning.

I think of “home” when I see this image. Some of it is the moment when I captured it. Part of it is the lone hawk that is heading back to roost after feeding. And a lot of it is the medium: black-and-white. Starting with my early training days through my first professional gigs, I used to shoot exclusively black-and-white. I miss it. I like having the ability to see things simply, in shapes and emotion. There’s a magic to black-and-white, and I yearn to return to my photographic roots to recapture the spark that started it all.

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